Howard University – Numa Adams Laboratory
Washington, DC
Buch was awarded the interior multi-lab renovation at Howard University’s Numa Adams and Mudd building. The project involved addressing lab deficiencies along with repairs based on the lab users’ request to bring a total of 12 separate labs to useful condition. In each lab a wide variety of needs were met, including the installation of essential lab equipment, such as biosafety cabinets, fume hoods, vacuum pumps, water filtration systems, and a centrifuge, along with necessary infrastructure. Several other scope items were addressed including cosmetic repairs, HVAC adjustments, plumbing and sink replacements, lighting, and electrical upgrades. The largest area of work required the walls to be demolished, and new casework was designed and fabricated for the room. The finishing touches included new ceilings, flooring, lighting fixtures, HVAC unit, and the addition of a new biosafety cabinet and fume hood. Buch maintained an intricate schedule to accommodate for ongoing lab activities, requiring heightened safety precautions. The team successfully completed the project while minimizing disruptions and adhering to the timeline.
“I have spent years working on projects and traveling all over parts of this region and along those projects I have had the opportunity to meet and work alongside project managers, general contractors, and site superintendents. Overall, without a doubt, the Buch team, top to bottom was the most enjoyable to work with.”
Project Details
Washington, DC