Montgomery Knolls Elementary School
Silver Spring, MD
Buch was awarded the Montgomery Knolls Elementary School project in Silver Spring, MD, a 45,000 sq.ft. multi-scope project featuring a building addition, a new HVAC system, and a large sitework package. The 12,000 SF, two-story addition was constructed at the rear of the school and included CMU walls, steel-framed concrete infill stairs, windows, MEP systems, and new finishes. The project also consisted of a systematic replacement of the existing HVAC throughout the entire school. Five new DOAS units, a new VRF system, new fan coil units, and all new sheet metal and associated piping were installed in the school. Steel supports were put in place along with all new ceiling grid and tiles throughout.
Buch used a phased construction schedule during the final part of the project which consisted of sitework upgrades surrounding the existing school. A new playground, parking lot with a separate bus turn-around, and all new stormwater management facilities were constructed as well as a new school entrance. This project meets green building criteria and has been Green Globes certified.
AGC of D.C. | 2020 Washington Contractor Award | Education
“Building relationships and supporting people in need helps to strengthen bonds both internally and externally. For years, we’ve partnered with Rebuilding Howard County on numerous projects which, with the help of employees, subcontractors, and clients, have contributed to improving the lives and safety of the people in our community.”
Sustainable Project
Project Details
Proffitt & Associates Architects, PC
Silver Spring, MD
Green Globes